The Soundtrack to Our Cities

October 22, 2020 — The Big Picture

Do you listen to your city? Whether it’s a bird chirping on a neighborhood street, a train passing through town, or a car honking its horn, our auditory senses play a huge role in how we experience and navigate an urban environment. Focusing on the soundscape of cities can unlock this often forgotten layer of experience.

Analyzing a city through this lens can help us better monitor city activities and generate actionable insights for local governments to save resources and improve quality of life. The transformation of urban spaces as a result of social-distancing measures around the world, has already dramatically changed the soundtrack of our cities.

Which pieces of this new landscape should we hold onto and how can we ensure longevity through smart city technology in the future? This curated group of experts explore how we can leverage the positive outcomes of these changes to support quality of life, smarter acoustics, and reduce noise pollution in cities.

Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

Prestented by: Securaxis

Sourcing Sound as Information

Sourcing Sound as Information

Gaetan Vannay
Co-Founder and COO, Securaxis
What Should the City Sound Like?

What Should the City Sound Like?

Catherine Guastavino
Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar, McGill University
Daniel Steele
Research Lead and Project Manager for Sounds in the City, McGill University
Tuning In to Quality of Life

Tuning In to Quality of Life

Christine Kerrigan
Multidisciplinary designer, system thinker, action researcher
Citizen Science and Open Source Planning for Quieter and Healthier Cities.

Citizen Science and Open Source Planning for Quieter and Healthier Cities.

Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi
Senior Research Associate, Technical University of Berlin
The Depths of a Quiet Soundscape

The Depths of a Quiet Soundscape

Erica Walker
Founder of Community Noise Lab
Salutogenic Living: Moving from Noise Control to Soundscape Design

Salutogenic Living: Moving from Noise Control to Soundscape Design

Lisa Lavia
Managing Director, Noise Abatement Society
Daniel Goodhand
Managing Director, Goodhand Acoustics