Millennial Migration
juin 5, 2020 — The Big Picture
As the Millennial generation comes of age, their preferences, which tend to diverge from those of their baby boomer parents, present cities with an opportunity to fundamentally rethink urban and suburban life.
In this edition of the Big Picture, we will explore how policymakers, developers, and more are placing bets and working feverishly to retain or attract aging Millennials and their potential to transform communities. We examine their urban preferences, and ask how cities can leverage their lifestyles to invest in more sustainable suburban regeneration and boldly reimagine what cities and suburbs could be in the future.

The Millennial Metric Q&A: Albus Brooks (Denver, Colorado)
Albus Brooks
Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Milender White, Former City Councilman Denver

Cities: Remaining Attractive in a Socially-Distanced World
Andrew Carter
Chief Executive, Centre for Cities

Millennials on the Move in a Post-COVID19 World
Dr. Alexa Delbosc
Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University Department of Civil Engineering

The Millennial Metric Q&A: Alfred Degrafinreid II (Nashville, TN)
Alfred Degrafinreid II
Associate Vice Chancellor, Community Relations, Vanderbilt University

The Millennial Metric Q&A: Kourtney Garrett (Dallas, TX)
Kourtny Garrett
President & CEO, Downtown Dallas, Inc.

The Millennial Effect: Reshaping Real Estate for America’s Largest Generation
Craig Hall
Founder & Chairman, HALL Group

Millennial Preferences in the 2020s
Dr. Emil Malizia
Research Professor, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

A Rebounding Millennial Wave
Dowell Myers
Professor of Policy, Planning, and Demography, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California

Millennials are Transforming Sunbelt Downtowns from Parking Lots to Housing Innovation Hotspots
Deirdre Pfeiffer
Associate Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University

How Millennials are Retrofitting North American Suburbs
June Williamson
Chair of Architecture and Associate Professor, Spitzer School of Architecture, The City College of New York