Andy Burton

octobre 25, 2018 — People (fr)

I love my work at Hull City Council and I am very proud of my colleagues who try hard to deliver front line and professional technical services to the residents, businesses and visitors of Hull.

My role is to lead the Council’s Streetscene Services to deliver Member led, customer driven, value for money services through engaged staff.

I am totally committed to believing that lean six sigma (or whatever it be called in years to come) will give us a commercial advantage and an improved customer satisfaction level, tie this into connected and collaborative smart city technology and I think we can give our customer better service and allow them to make informed choices about their everyday lives.

A member of ASQ (American Society for Quality). I was a Production Engineering Research Association (PERA) approved consultant for the DTI Enterprise Initiative for Quality Management. Lecturered on TQM and customer service to Hull University and Bradford Management Centre MBA students (Co-lectured to cover for Prof. John Oakland when he left Bradford for Leeds University).

Course lecturer for Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA) now CQI.

I am totally turned off by the concept of « If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ». There was nothing much wrong with the Model T but not many of us would buy it now.

A Deming man. Love Tom Peters, fascinated by Toyota, major retailers, and innovative IT companies.

In awe of my cousin, Martyn Holmes at Lean Coaching and recent fan of Catalyst Consulting, Dorchester Hotel and John Lewis Partnership.