
Nos événements internationaux sont des outils importants pour la poursuite de notre mission.

Fireside Chat: What’s the Matter with California?

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Global Institute Conor Dougherty, Author, Golden Gates: Fighting for Housing in America and Housing and Economics Reporter, The New York Times 4 Key Takeaways 1. The problem with housing in California is it costs too much, and there isn‘t enough of it, particularly for people who aren‘t wealthy, says Conor…

Panel: Millennials’ Missing Middle

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Albus Brooks, VP Milender White, Former City Councilman Denver Issi Romem, Principal and Founder, MetroSight Craig Sauvé, City Councillor & Special Advisor, City of Montréal Moderator: Mariela Alfonzo, Founder & CEO, State of Place 5 Key Takeaways 1. The housing sector is one of the main economic drivers for inequality. Housing is key to…

Panel: Homes For All? The Future of Public Housing

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Angela Hurlock, Chair, Chicago Housing Authority Daffney Moore, Chief Opportunity Zone Officer, St. Louis Development Corporation Maria Vassilakou, Advisor and Advocate for Cities, Entrepreneur Moderator: Heather Way, Clinical Professor and Director, ECDC, University of Texas Austin Law School 5 Key Takeways 1. The United States has never come close to achieving the vision of…

Panel: New Forms, New Functions, New Options: How Technology Enables New Models For Housing

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Tatiana Bilbao, Principal, Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO Yonatan Cohen, Partner, Architecture, Mosaic Steffan Jones, Vice President, Innovation, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Amaury Lamarche, Chief Platform Officer – Smart Home, ENGIE Marianthi Tatari, Associate Director & Senior Architect, UNStudio Moderator: Greg Lindsay, Director of Applied Research, NewCities 5 Key Takeaways 1. A participatory, and inclusive…

Panel: The Future of Suburban is… Urban?

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Kristen Jeffers, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, The Black Urbanist Elizabeth Kneebone, Research Director, Terner Center for Housing Innovation, UC Berkeley June Williamson, Chair and Associate Professor, Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, City College of New York Moderator: Diana Lind, Author & Executive Director, Arts & Business Council for Greater Philadelphia 5 Key Takeaways…

Panel: What Happens When the Rent Comes Due?

Août 24, 2020

Speakers: Daryl J. Carter, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Avanath Capital Management, LLC Leilani Farha, Global Director, The Shift Sacajawea Hall, Operations and CLT Director, Cooperation Jackson Tara Raghuveer, Homes Guarantee Campaign Director, People‘s Action/ Director, KC Tenants Moderator: Ian Volner, Writer, Architecture, Harper‘s, Wall Street Journal 4 Key Takeaways 1. The housing crisis, only accelerated…

The Big Rethink – Greenfield Megaprojects

Mai 04, 2020

Lessons For Greenfield MegaprojectsMay 26, 2020 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT Having seen COVID-19 disrupt the very functioning of cities worldwide, what would we do differently if we built a new city from scratch? While many of us are grappling with how to transform age-old systems to better serve citizens in the wake of…

The Big Rethink – Climate Action

Mai 01, 2020

Decarbonizing the Hard WayMay 19 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT Ready for an inconvenient truth? Images of clear waterways and clean skies provide a devastating glimpse into the extent to which business-as-usual human activity impacts the planet, but they don’t depict an effective response to climate change. Climate action at the order of magnitude…

The Big Rethink – Work in Cities

Mai 01, 2020

The How, What, and Where of WorkMay 12 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT In the context of COVID-19, the term ‘essential’ has gone beyond defining indispensable activities and labor during a time of crisis and entered the realm of Orwellian doublespeak. The pandemic has only accelerated a much larger conversation being led by market…

The Big Rethink – Wellbeing & Health

Avr 28, 2020

The Wellbeing ImperativeApril 28, 2020 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT As the world’s urban population continues to grow, global health is becoming increasingly synonymous with urban health. The spread of COVID-19 has revealed the extent to which cities impact what we understand about disease:  population density and a world of places connected by business…

The Big Rethink – Megacities

Avr 27, 2020

Beyond Megacities: Rethinking DensityMay 5 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT Location, location, location. Repeat twice daily to justify some of the most troubling trends in modern urban development. We use location – and the idea that there’s a scarcity of lively, walkable, employment-rich city centers – to champion density as simply good urbanism, while…

The Big Rethink – Housing

Avr 13, 2020

Room for ImprovementApril 21, 2020 | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT Global orders to “shelter in place” implies housing is indeed a fundamental human right, but even a cursory reading of housing policies suggests this is an aspirational goal, at best. The economic fallout of COVID-19 has pushed two unspoken truths about housing into the…