Tweet Chat Recap: Building the Resilient City

février 27, 2015 — Uncategorized

“[The] biggest risk facing cities? Unlivability. Cities must provide human-scale, green environments” – Ian Johnson, China Correspondent, The New York Times – @iandenisjohson

On February 25, we hosted our second Tweet chat in the run-up to our New Cities Summit in Jakarta. The topic this month was Building Resilient Cities.

Building the Resilient City: Tweet chat Highlights

13 international featured guests joined the chat, which covered myriad topics related to urban resilience, including transport, climate change, cyber security, forward-thinking governance and citizen participation. Check out the highlights below.

What are the greatest risks that cities face today?

#Climatechange, unplanned #urbanization & population growth: the 3 major #trends to urbanization disaster . @Connect4Climate

Size and complexity will lead to greater vulnerabilities (cyber) that will exacerbate economic instability.@LondonFirstSRN

The greatest risks for cities include climate change & a heightened sense of uncertainty and unpredictability.@DedenRukmana

Social atomisation leading to a disconnect between government and people will harm cities’ responses to challenges@GlobalConReview.

Which cities have demonstrated great resilience strategies, how?

Cities in Bhutan demonstrate great strategies with tracking happiness and providing free education for citizens.@NextDrop

#NYC also demonstrated resilience after hurricane sandy– changes to electrical systems, community involvement in flood planning. @100ResCities

None for Indonesian cities. However Semarang is coming close. Semarang has start conserving wetlands. @elisa_jkt

How can cities lead the way on climate change?

Cities must be equipped with the tools necessary to adapt to the impacts of climate change. @Citi

Cities can invest in more efficient vehicles, cleaner fuels and public transport initiatives

By adopting a long-term strategy with funding to match that optimises an adaptation economy. @LondonFirstSRN

How should cities invest to mitigate the effects of natural disasters?

Cities must build network of connected interoperable technologies to provide the most efficient support in emergency cases. @e_strawberry

Cities should #Invest in capacity building for citizen. The first disaster respond are fellow citizens. @elisa_jkt

How can connected cities ensure cyber security?

IoT engineers should include privacy and security requirements into architectural designs from the very beginning of process. @e_strawberry

#cybersecurity less important than all citizens being connected–that’s still far off. #censorship #affordability.@iandenisjohnson

Cities like Songdo are increasing their vulnerability to cyber attacks by having every aspect of life connected.@SarahKMoser

How can cities and citizens collaborate?

Residents are a fantastic resource that too few cities tap into – residents know their cities and are invested.@SarahKMoser

#OpenData is a big step for cities and citizen collaboration towards resilience. @NextDrop

City officials need to take on #community priorities & deliver to show #citizens their support #resilience #people.@IvanBruce

Featured guests included:

Thank you!

Thanks to all of our featured guests, and to the many others that joined in on Twitter. We hope you’ll join us again for our next Tweet chat session. For a full view of the conversation, check out our post on Storify.

To find out more about the New Cities Summit, visit and follow #ncs2015 on Twitter.

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