Past Projects

NewCities has helped shape the urban narrative since 2010. Browse through an archive of our past work, press, and network of contributors. 

Columbus: A New Urban Champion

Aug 24, 2018

NewCities organized a Learning Expedition in Columbus, Ohio on October, 23-24, 2018. This Learning Expedition, hosted in partnership with ENGIE, was the first installment of “New Urban Champions,” an initiative that invites medium-sized cities to share exemplary approaches to economic, social and environmental development on a global learning platform. Our agenda in Columbus showcased successful…

Artificial Intelligence vs. Collective Intelligence

Aug 23, 2018

Partners | Partenaires Français ci-dessous. Location: Concordia University Time: from 9 am to 11 am, October 26th, 2018 Program: to be announced soon The event will be in French. Download the program (FR) On the sidelines of the Le Monde Festival, co-hosted by Le Monde and Le Devoir on October 26, Le Monde, Concordia and…

Making the Case for Investment in Resilient Infrastructure

Jul 05, 2018

The American Society of Civil Engineers publishes a report every four years that assesses the state of infrastructure in America. In 2017, American infrastructure scored a D+. This reflects both an ever-growing backlog of deferred maintenance and the inability to invest in much needed improvements. In terms of the financial impact, this amounts to nearly…

Secondary Cities: New Urban Champions?

Jul 03, 2018

Small- and mid-sized cities have become the engine of our world’s fast-paced urbanization. Understanding secondary cities is key in getting our urban future right. Are these cities the new urban champions of the future? From Curitiba to Melbourne, six experts dive into the challenges and opportunities facing the world’s secondary cities. Presented by: Featured photo…

The Millennial Dilemma

Jun 29, 2018

The Millennial Dilemma is a seminal study exploring the future of North American cities by forecasting where the Millennial generation will live and why. <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span><span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Millennials have proven themselves to be a resilient generation, struggling…

Global Urban Innovators

Jun 29, 2018

Since 2016, NewCities has recognized trailblazing startups and social enterprises creatively applying technology to tackle pressing urban challenges. Our GUI community leads the worldwide conversation on cities and innovation by introducing new ideas and tools for achieving impact at the urban scale. Startups committed to improving city life face a unique challenge: finding the sweet…

Not ‘What’, But ‘How’

Jun 29, 2018

This is a report about urban innovation: the ongoing, evolutionary journey of trying new things to improve your city. Innovation is something that we know is happening in places of every imaginable size and in all corners of the world. We see the products of this innovation everyday, but what we don’t know a lot…

Congestion at the Curb

Jun 29, 2018

Whitepaper: brought to you by CoMotion, The Rideshare Guy, and NewCities. Ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft have ushered in a new wave of mobility that has reshaped the transportation fabric of cities across the globe. What started as a novel way to hail a ride with an app is now a multi-billion dollar…