
Unique insights into what is happening in cities worldwide.

When Construction Is the Easiest Part of Housing Development

Jun 04, 2019

Developing affordable housing in Haiti is, to put it mildly, difficult. Despite a massive need for adequate and affordable housing in Haiti, few interventions have successfully addressed the housing crisis – a crisis made worse by the widespread devastation of the 2010 earthquake. After the earthquake, non-government organizations (NGOs), humanitarian aid workers, and international building…

Making Homes More Affordable by Tailoring It to Their Future Owners: A Paradox?

Jun 04, 2019

French large cities are currently witnessing a steady rise of home prices. In Paris, a square meter’s average price is superior to €9,000; it reaches €4,500 in Lyon and Bordeaux. In 2017, prices rose by 8.6 percent in Paris, 7.7 percent in Lyon and 12.1 percent in Bordeaux – all while French nominal wages only…

The Top Reason Residents Leave Their Cities? Housing Costs.

Jun 04, 2019

Since the collapse of the housing market in 2008, demand for housing has consistently outpaced supply, leading to a dramatic increase in housing prices in many metropolitan areas – especially on the coasts. America’s mayors are deeply concerned about these rising costs. As part of the Menino Survey of Mayors—an annual survey from Boston University’s…

Getting Creative and Building an Inclusive Community

Jun 04, 2019

Victoria is the metropolitan area on the southern tip of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada with a population of approximately 400,000. It’s a beautiful island paradise with a high quality of life and easy access to nature. Because of the lifestyle attributes, strong and diverse economy and very low unemployment rate, the population of…

Affordable Housing – A Precondition for a Healthy Society

Jun 04, 2019

Global economic crisis, gentrification, redistribution of wealth, urbanization, migration and global warming are only a few factors affecting the housing market around the globe. Taking into account that safe, affordable and lasting housing solutions are without a doubt one of the basic preconditions for a healthy society. It is clear that housing crisis has to…

Journée Mondiale du Vélo

Jun 03, 2019

Lire la version anglaise Il existe divers événements liés à la pratique du vélo (Semaine européenne de la mobilité, mois du vélo, etc.), mais en 2018, les Nations Unies ont choisi de mettre en avant le vélo encore d’avantage en décrétant le 3 Juin Journée Mondiale du Vélo. Pour célébrer cette nouvelle Journée Mondiale, la…

Celebrating World Bicycle Day

Jun 03, 2019

Read the french version From Bike Month to Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day to Bike to Work Day, there are already a lot of reasons to celebrate cycling. In 2018, the United Nations General Assembly took things to the next level by declaring June 3 World Bicycle Day. Celebrating the new day, the UN…

The Lighthouse in Pune: Social and Economic Development of Low-Income Communities

May 21, 2019

“The Lighthouse” is a sustainable livelihood program for the urban disadvantaged youth. By fostering agency, workplace competencies and skills in youth, the Lighthouse unleashes social and economic transformation in the communities that the youth come from. As a program which places the wellbeing of youth and the city at the centre of its design, it…

Building Trust in the Sharing Economy: Who Sets the Rules?

Mar 22, 2019

Business is a numbers game. A glance at a glossary of business terminology, full of words like accounts, markets, margins, and profits indicate numbers are the language of business (and in general, the bigger the numbers, the better you’re doing). But what sort of human behaviors and attitudes underlie the numbers which dictate whether a…

Realistic Is Holistic: Digitizing the Fight Against Urban Climate Change

Mar 19, 2019

Climate change is in large part due to the rapid growth of our urban environments. It is affecting the way we work, play, move, produce, and consume – for better or for worse. According to a 2011 UN-HABITAT study, 70 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from cities. Smart action to mitigate the…

Capitalism vs Climate Change: The Case of Carbon Engineering

Mar 19, 2019

The following article was originally published on Forbes on 11 January 2019 and is one of a series about climate change-focused investing opportunities.   The only way to build and maintain inter-generational wealth in the 21st Century will be by investing in a new paradigm. Imagine vacuuming CO2 out of the thin air and transforming…

Inclusive Climate Action In Practice

Mar 19, 2019

C40’s Inclusive Climate Action (ICA) programme provides cities with a clear roadmap and support to plan, build consensus and deliver bold climate action that is equitable and beneficial for all. Inspired and shaped by leading mayors and cutting-edge practices in C40 member cities, this progressive programme aims to help cities worldwide maximise reductions in greenhouse…